
Each attendee of a Fuzzy Red Socks Retreat receives a pair of socks to wear during the workshop and to take home with them. The socks are a symbol of self care – imagine sitting on the couch in your fuzzy red socks curled up in a blanket reading a good book and sipping hot cocoa.

I have created this web site to help others who have found themselves on the path to destruction, like I did, because of a traumatic event, being caregivers to others, or just realizing the effects of getting older.

Feel free to browse the site for ideas on how to rest, reflect, and rejuvenate – the three pillars, I believe, towards improved health, abundant joy, and a life fulfilled.

Currently these workshops are being conducted in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. Contact us for the next scheduled event. Or contact us about creating your own Fuzzy Red Socks workshop.

Rest, reflect and rejuvenate! Next Fuzzy Red Socks Retreat TBA. Feel free to check back regularly.

Fuzzy Red Socks