My Body is a Resource

I have a mantra I like to use in life, “Use your resources!” But often times I forget which resources are available to me. I was recently reminded of a resource I often take for granted – my body. I went to a new yoga class last weekend. It was called “Heated Power Flow” Yoga.  I knew it might be …

Leap Like A Lunatic

I know I am always saying I never have enough time – and I hear my friends lament about the same thing. But this year we get an entire extra day! Tomorrow, February 29, only happens every four years and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to waste a minute of it. OK, so maybe I’ll get …

Discover Yoga

“The longer one engages a dynamic, active yoga practice, the more they begin to intuitively know that there is another, undiscovered aspect of yoga. This unexplored aspect of yoga is the deep, passive, supported relaxation and release of restorative practice. There is a quality of relaxation that is beyond the conscious control of the mind and that is beyond the …